About Apple

Museum Inspired Collection V&A Shop Applicable on select mobiles, laptops, large and small appliances, furniture, electronics and watches, you can now shop without burning a hole in your pocket. If you’ve been eyeing a product for a long time, chances…

About Apple

Museum Inspired Collection V&A Shop Indeed, the company’s products design or ideas can not met customer’s expectations. Customer’s purchase intention based on rational expectations, and additionally impacts on emotional trust. Moreover, those expectations can be also establish on the product…

About this app

PERILAKU KONSUMTIF MAHASISWA PADA ONLINE SHOP di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang UMM Institutional Repository Even though online retailers are making efforts to protect consumer information, it is a constant fight to maintain the lead. It is advisable to be aware of…

Worried about COVID-19?

WHO Indonesia World Health Organization Health Literacy Explore health literacy and communication tools, research, initiatives, and other professional resources. In the third REAL Challenge annual lecture, Andy Haldane explored the relationship between health… Health Foundation response to the Care Quality…